Orders & Payment

Orders & Payment

Can I order without an account on Aptimos website?
Yes, you can order on Aptimos website without an account:
1. Choose the product you want, add to cart and proceed to checkout
2. On Checkout page, uncheck “Create an account”

What are the payment methods available?
Yes, you can order on Aptimos website without an account:
We offer multiple payment methods:

  • Credit/Debit Card
  • Paypal

Will I receive any order confirmation after placing an order?
Yes, an order confirmation with order summary will be sent to you through email after you have successfully placed your order.

I have ordered and confirmed my payment, what should I do next?
After successful verification of your order, you can expect to receive your order within 3 to 7 working days for local items. For international order, delivery time may vary from 7 to 14 working days depending on the location.

My order has been confirmed but I received an Out of Stock email notification
We perform strict quality checks on all our items before every delivery. If your item is the last piece available that failed our quality checks, we will cancel and refund (for pre-paid) the item even if your order was confirmed. You will then receive an email notification upon cancellation.

When the product becomes available again, you will receive an email when it’s back in stock.